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Create an accountEstablishment of BFIDC:
The Govrnment of Pakistan by its Ordinance No. LXVII dated 3rd October 1959, established East Pakistan Forest Industries Development Corporation. After independence, the name of the corporation was changed to Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation (BFIDC), under Presidential Order No .48 of 1972. Its head office is located at 73, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.
To extract timber/rubber wood & other Forest produces from forest land & BFIDC’s rubber garden.
To establish Industries/Factories for Commercial use of forest produces & rubber wood.
Treating, Seasoning of wooden extracted/collected timber and manufacturing of office and household furniture, dunnage, railway slipper, etc.
Cultivation of Rubber/ raising of Rubber garden on commercial basis in the forest land leased out by the Govt. in favour of BFIDC.
Promoting Rubber cultivation in Bangladesh through Private Sector/Multinational companies in the Govt. khas and protected land of Hilly areas.
Value addition, Employment generation.
Our Goals:
Best utilization of forest produces by the creation of employment.
Establishing Factories/ Industries to meet the growing need of wooden items by facing market competitiveness.
Raising of profitable & sustainable Rubber garden under BFIDC,
Promoting rubber cultivation in Private Sector, creation of employment opportunities to alleviate the poverty of the rural poor, caring environment, protect degradation & erosion of land.
To produce highest quality of natural rubber to meet the local requirement of rubber based Industries to ensure value addition & creation of indirect employment.
To take part in macro economic activities of the country & playing vital role in augmenting GDP by generating economic activities in producing of natural rubber, addressing import & saving of foreign exchange.
To be a leading public sector corporation in the areas of rubber industry as well as furniture making industry for the benefit of the society.
To enhance the competitiveness and viability of Bangladesh rubber and rubber-wood based industry through focused research, development, effective transfer of technology and quality support services.