Rupali Bank Ltd. (RBL.)
- Type : State Owned Commercial Bank
- View : 2191
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Rupali Bank Ltd. was constituted with the merger of 3 (three) erstwhile commercial banks i.e. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd., Australasia Bank Ltd. and Standard Bank Ltd. operated in the then Pakistan on March 26, 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order 1972 (P.O. No. 26 of 1972), with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, privileges, liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized commercial bank till December13, 1986.
Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking Company of the country on December 14, 1986.
::Present Capital Structure::
Authorized Capital : Tk. 7000 million (US$ 88.66 million)
Paid up Capital : Tk. 1650 million (US$ 20.9 million)
::Break up of paid up Capital::
Government shareholding : 90.19%
Private shareholding : 09.81 %
::Present Share Structure::
Total Number of share (Each lot 10) : 16,50,00,000
Share Demated by shareholders as on 24.02.2013 : 124358890
::Financial Statement::
please click on the download Financial Statement
::Number of Branches::
Rupali Bank operates through 517 branches. It is linked to its foreign correspondents all over the world.
::Number of Employees::
The total number of employees is 4293.
::Chief Executive::
The Bank is headed by the Managing Director (Chief executive) who is a reputed professional Banker.